This anchor chart was added to Jessica’s Sample Anchor Charts
This is post three of the Google Meets With Littles series
Managing a Google Meet for the first time with Littles can feel like the first day of school all over again. A new space, new wonders, and lots of new ways to play. The best thing I have done in working through a live meeting space with our class is to set safe clear expectations about how we work with each other this way. Even if you are well into your routine of live meetings with young children through remote learning, taking time to reinforce or clarify expectations is always time well spent in order to get the most out of your learning time together. In this post, I will share my favorite tips for happy, productive, and respectful live meets with young children.
The language we use with young children in live meetings is part of the way we establish a culture of respectful online communication that will serve them well as they grow. Rather than seeing this as a substitute for a classroom experience, we can consider the very important lessons they are learning about having a live online presence. Together, we are setting the stage for patient, compassionate, and respectful communication through authentic digital citizenship experiences.