We are SUPER EXCITED to reveal the cover of our Innovating Play book!! The cover not only turned out absolutely adorable, but it also visually represents the heart and mindset of Innovating Play. The cover is our connection point to YOU! It is meant to be an invitation for EVERYONE to play together and feel connected to what lies within the pages of the book. We hope that as you look closely at the cover, it provokes wonder: Why is there a traditional block when it’s about tech integration? What are we reimagining? How is it that everyone is included? What will we learn? What do the arrows on that block mean? HOW will we play and WHAT will we discover?
You can enjoy this sneak peek of our book from the book trailer below. 🙂
We are anxious for this book to be in your hands so that we can explore and grow together. While the final pieces are being put together for the book, we have some opportunities for you to check out and stay connected.
Learning with the #InnovatingPlay Community Book Questions
When we first announced that we were writing a book, we shared that we would be posting discussion questions periodically on Twitter as we were writing. The thread links to these Tweets with the questions are included in the book. This means that any responses will be seen when readers tune into the discussion! As we reviewed and reflected over our book during the final editing phases, we decided to add six more questions. We will be posting one question on Twitter each Monday starting on July 13th. We would love for you to share your voice and contribute to the discussions! All you need to do is check the #InnovatingPlay hashtag on Twitter for the most recent questions, or view the notes section of this slide deck for the links to questions that have already been tweeted out. For more of a breakdown of what this looks like, check out this blog post.

Updated Templates Page
As we get ready to play in our book together, we would love to invite you to our newly organized playroom (otherwise known as the Templates page)! When you click on the Templates page in our blog menu, you will find that there are LOTS of goodies waiting for you to explore, customize, and utilize with your students and families. Our resources are now organized to reflect the structure of our book.*
- Innovating Play with Routines and Rituals
- Innovating Play in the Curriculum
- Innovating Play Unchained
In addition, there are also a specific sections for Bonus Resources and Learning From Home #RemoteLearning
*Note: The resources that are organized on our Templates page are ones that have an accompanying blog post. It is important to us to provide context for WHY we create the resources that we do, and when we use them. There are LOTS of resources that will be shared in the book that are not on our website.
Get your brain ready, open your heart, and check back often because we love to update and add new resources so that EVERYONE can play!!