Workflow with Morning Messages
Morning messages are rich in what they offer Littles: visuals, context for learning focuses, and literacy opportunities for interaction with text. Click here to access the message below and its content.

For teachers, morning messages give them a space to facilitate experiences and help build connections for students. Once you have a master slide layout created, you can easily plan out your messages. Think about this powerful quote from Benjamin Franklin:
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”
As teachers, we ALWAYS reach for more time. Our time is precious, so we need to play smart! To put this in perspective with the morning message, Jessica had her January lessons for school planned out BEFORE she went on winter break BECAUSE she has an efficient workflow in place. She focuses on using a weekly slide deck to develop consistent communication and visuals for lessons with a strong emphasis on learning goals. The morning message offers a daily space to support her in organizing and weaving together lessons, while providing meaningful context and space for student participation and interaction with text from the very beginning of the day. There was a time when Jessica did not have this workflow, it took willingness to try a new way and redefine the experience. You can learn more about the transformation of the Morning Message experience in Chapter 3 of our Innovating Play book.

Our Innovating Play book is available in print AND digitally through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Think About It, and Share with Your PLN!
Share your magical workflow tip(s) and discoveries with us and the Innovating Play Community! Your ideas can send a spark to others who were in need of that idea! We would love to hear and learn WITH you. We posted this prompt on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You are welcome to respond to click on the links to the post or share directly on your feed! Just be sure to tag us and use the #InnovatingPlay hashtag.
Connection to the #InnovatingPlay Twitter Chat
With all of the mention of workflow, it should come as no surprise that our topic for the chat was indeed: Digital Workflow that Elevates Learning & Teaching. We aim for connections! Below you can find the questions to this chat and the archive on Wakelet.
- Share an organizational strategy or tool you use to support your planning and workflow as an educator.
- What are your most important criteria for selecting digital tools for your students?
- Share a tip about a favorite documentation/communication tool you use with students & families.